24 Jan Blast from the past: Old ads that make you say “wheey”
I stumbled across an old Stag commercial a few weeks ago, and learned that Stag was actually “the people’s beer”, before some chauvinist marketing manager decided that women don’t drink beer, and changed it to “a man’s beer”.
Apart from making me want to fly to Trinidad to buss a lime by the ever-popular Nari’s, like when I used to jump the fence and go play pool and buy ‘Chinee’ food, in my St. George’s College days, the ad got me thinking about how some of the ads connected with their audience and how they make me think about the “good ole days”, when TTT was our only option.
So I tried to pull together a quick list of some of my favourites like the Kitchener Angostura bitters ad, “drink ah rum and ah puncha creama”, and the Catch ad that went “first its crunchy, then it’s creamy… Catch!” These type of ads chronicle our younger lives. Like how Niggle a Nuggle and Solo Bentley make me think about my primary school days, buying snacks in the tuck shop before going to play scooch or trip during recess and lunch break. Problem is, there aren’t that many of these classics online, only one set of alcohol and cigarette ads – quick, somebody upload some nah.
These kinds of ads make you go, “Wheeeeeey boy”. I wonder if bmobile’s Santana ad, Digicel’s Ravi B and Ashwarifree ad, or KFC’s “We like it” will make people get all nostalgic years from now? Anyways, here are a few ads that I found that may bring back a few memories for you. Of course, I have to start it off with Stag.
So Stag was “the people’s beer”, but you ever hear about a recession fighting beer? Stag claimed that title too. Check out this Stag advertisement, with the Mighty Sparrow singing about how Stag was the way to finish off a bess meal of crab and dumpling, or “pelting money at a dead horse”.
Check out Sparrow’s dancing antics too. Men like Bunji Garlin have to thank Sparrow for paving the way for their endorsements, I guess.
Bee Wee
Although it’s now defunct, Caribbean Airlines’ predecessor BWIA or Bee Wee, as most of us still refer to it, has a special place in the hearts of many as it was some of the best airplane food you could have got around. Pressure take you if you have to take American or United back in those days. Adverts like these are the reason why some of us still fly with Bee Wee…. Ah mean Caribbean Airlines.
Maraj West Side Supermarket
This list would really be lacking if I didn’t mention the Maraj West Side supermarket advertisement where things selling “Cheap Cheap Cheap!” It’s a shame Sprang and Tommy never won some kind of award for this one.
Royal Extra Stoute
I remember the first time I drank Royal Extra Stout, kill me dead I getting strength and virility to party hard in the Bunker (Base for the youngsters) and pull real girls. “Bring out the Lion in you! Roar!!! Ha, ha, ha. Nowadays, if yuh want the ‘gyal ah rush me’ effect, you have to create a hole in the ozone and spray yourself with plenty Axe.
I know this one is not a classic, but if you have friends who smoke, then you would know that not many people our age (late 20s or early 30s) smoke Broadway. Maybe this ad is why the brand was never that popular, because after I saw it again, all I was thinking was to go and buy a pirogue instead of cigarettes.
Remember when you used to get real vex because you walk down by the phone booth to call yuh girlfriend or yuh man, only to realise somebody mash up de phonebooth? Well TSTT had an ad for those vandals. But with how often the phone booth by me in Trincity didn’t work, I don’t think it was all that effective. Check it out. By the way, I really wanted to show you’ll the General Grant “Call me/ Call first” commercial, but I couldn’t find it.
Did you recognize Mairoon Ali in the ad? Rest in peace Aunty Mairoon.
Dr Suds
Remember Dr. Suds? “If fighting dirts the game, Sudsil’s the name”. Dr. Suds’ powerful, dirt-fighting sound effects are a real killer here, and check the suds dissolving into the fibres. This was how I learned the science of detergentology.
I know this is not an exhaustive list of the classics, and I haven’t mentioned the other heavy hitters like the Cannings’ King Orange ad, or “HiLo! The naaattionns favourite foood store” and “Nothing beats a Mario’s Pizza”, but my editor said my original list was too long. Sorry Karel, had to squeeze some of them in.
Editor’s Note: Yeah yeah. Blame the editor for everything.
Check out the rest of this week’s issue (24/01/11; Issue 42):
- Things that Make Employers go WTF!
- How to get a commitment phobic man to commit
- Can You Read This? Illiteracy in T&T
- How it Go Look: Trinis and Taboos
Look out for a new issue of Outlish.com every Monday.
Anthony La Borde
Anthony La Borde considers himself an entrepreneurially minded idea generator, and plays a key role in a number of business ventures. He loves to start conversations and entertain people with his sometimes controversial thoughts.
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Posted at 10:31h, 25 JanuaryGreat article! These ads really resonates with the us as a people and I often argue and “buss meh head” trying to figure out, why can’t be find these things online? There is a Tourism ad (equivalent to Grenada’s..”Let’s go Grenada for the holidays”) that was done when we hosted Ms. Universe and NO ONE seems to know what I am speaking about. Where are our archives as a country? Not only does these ads spark “good childhood days”, but they also symbolize growth…at least for me anyway. I really wish we had more means of going down “memory lane”. Sigh…
Posted at 13:41h, 25 June“Trinidaaad and Tobaaagoooo: Our corner of the Univeeeerse!”
Marlon Fernandez
Posted at 17:00h, 22 JanuaryHey Anthony,
Im flattered to be highlighted here.
I’m the guy from that version of the Royal Extra Stout commercial, “The Lion Man” as i was fondly called for awhile.
Thanks again.
Anthony La Borde
Posted at 02:17h, 27 JanuaryHey Marlon,
Thanks for the comment! I’m glad the article was able to bring back those fond memories for you.
Tamarind Ball
Posted at 04:08h, 29 JanuaryEnjoyed this journey down memory lane immensely. On the point of beer ads, though I was too young to drink them, I always preferred Carib beer ads… [grin]
your article even sent me looking for a “life boy – the action soap” ad… another classic – didn’t find it though 🙁
I guess unlinke OUTLISH, not everything is online! 🙂
Posted at 07:06h, 24 JuneNagib Elias for all kind lumber, hardware, iron and …. This ad was launched in the 50’s and was still playing in the 80,s
Posted at 07:07h, 24 JuneWho would forget Max Senhouse” we need de money”
Posted at 09:26h, 24 Junewhat about Bata
Posted at 18:37h, 24 JuneDoes anyone remember the TATIL ad with the woman on the phone talking to a friend about her car accident??? Looked for it all over and can’t seem to find it. Loved that ad so much!!!
Ian Wason
Posted at 18:47h, 24 Junei loved these…esp Mr Sudsil…@ Ian…Are you talikng about: “Tatil people is people, you know what i mean ” ?…i loved that one too
Posted at 21:29h, 24 JuneI loved that ad it was highly effective!
Ian Wason
Posted at 18:48h, 24 June@ the Nagib was real nice too, the cartoon character walking with the radio…i loved that one
Dennis Ramdeen
Posted at 06:33h, 25 JuneWe started with Recession Fighter because Stag had zero brand equity, in fact for some beer drinkers Stag had sub-zero equity. It had tried for many years to find its way into people’s hearts and minds, changing its position many times over its lifetime. The short stubby bottle did NOT help its cause as people had come to define the “Carib long neck” bottle as “the only thing beer comes in.”
So we had to sell Stag on price. Full stop. When we briefed Sparrow on the Recession Fighter Campaign, in very short time (I actually think it was the very next day), he came back with the jingle that changed life for us. (among some other things that we did ‘on the ground’) Sparrow came up to the Brewery and using the desk as his drum to keep the tempo, belted out the lyrics for the first time:
Stag the recession Fighter
No other beer taste better
Ideally suited to your pocket
With this tight budget (we changed this line to “With your tight budget” – because we did not want to be seen to be pounding the Government as it was budget time)
(continuing the jingle…..)
Stag is doing something
Something about it
Stag is doing something
Something about it
Fight the recession enjoy a refreshing Stag….
We went on to produce a full song on Sparrow’s album with revised lyrics and verses. The music is arranged by Pelham Goddard and played by Charlie’s Roots and was produced by Joe Brown who worked on our 30 second jingles as if he was doing a Ralph McDonald Album. We recorded at Coral Studios and mixed until 5:00am on one occasion….once we got traction with the Recession Fighter campaign, we then transitioned to People’s Beer…Mariano Browne is right….I need to write the Stag story, dr
Posted at 11:52h, 21 AugustHey…I am searching for the Guardian Life videos with Lord Kitchener doing a version or ‘Run’ and the other one when The Mighty Sparrow doing ’10 to 1 is murder’. Anyone that can find these please share. 🙂
Posted at 22:36h, 23 JanuaryHey any1 remember the tune / song / melody that was played at the start up programming on TTT ?
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Posted at 14:02h, 22 June[…] Blast from the past: Old ads that make you say “wheey” […]
Gisela Williams
Posted at 09:53h, 12 NovemberHey looking for the commercial with “ah bumblebee ting meh in my eye”..diquez petroleum jelly