15 Aug Liming in Tobago: 5 Things to do Besides go to the Beach
So yuh organize yuh vacation trip, or maybe a random lime to Tobago with probably the crew, the family or the beau. And you’re ready to head to the nearest beach, namely Store Bay (for some of us) to relax and unwind, maybe with a book or a Carib.
However, the beaches sometimes happen to be the only place we head to, when we visit our lovely sister isle. We may sometimes forget that Tobago has a lot to offer in outdoor activities, and yearly festivals sans the whole Great Fete weekend and Tobago Heritage Festival season. Unlike Trinidad, Tobago may seem a little more laid back, though the night life is becoming quite active with bars, dance clubs and restaurants being opened. Still, that doesn’t mean that getting a tan, and eating crab and dumpling are the only things to do while there. So while you’re liming in Tobago, here are a few ideas you can choose from to jumpstart an adventurous vacation stay.
1. Hiking
Yes, yes, I know you’re on vacation, but if you really like the outdoors and don’t mind inhaling some really good fresh air, this is the activity to get into and reconnect with nature. You can probably start with Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve, it’s one of the oldest protected nature reserves in the Western hemisphere, and there are many nature tour guides to help you along the way. You can check out some nature tour operators in Tobago, like footprints-resort.com, frankietours.com, and www.topoftobago.com.
2. Horseback riding
No, I’m not joking. This can actually be great fun, once you’re given the rundown on how to handle the horses. It’s a great adventure to experience, and, maybe…just maybe…you may even love it. Unless of course you’re allergic to horses, think of it as something to cross off that “bucket list” (if you have one). Rode a horse – check. Or maybe that’s just me. It’s something to think about and do. To get your horsey dingy ding on, check out horseridingtrinidad.com, www.tobagonow.com, and being-with-horses.com.
3. Mountain biking
If you grew up riding yuh BMX bicycle everywhere, then you know what it feels like to just take a nice, long ride out exploring (even if you were limited to end of the street). It just felt good to ride your bike. If yuh didn’t have BMX days, well you can still indulge in taking a ride out on a trail, bearing in mind yuh could ride ah bike. Don’t try to learn to ride ah bike in one day, and then decide to do this, as the terrain might not always be suited for beginners. And if you were more of an outdoor kid, childhood nostalgia may grip you with this activity. These guys would be more than willing to take you out on any trail you wish: mountainbikingtobago.com and tobagomountainbike.com.
4. Deep sea fishing
Ok, what is cooler than catching your own fish. I know I said I’d mention activities that don’t involve going to the beach. Well, this isn’t the laying-on- the- sand-taking in some sun type of vibe. This one involves taking a boat out. Baiting and throwing lines may not be for everyone, but it sure gets exciting when you feel that tug on your line, knowing that you caught something. You may either get to eat your catch later that day – à la barbeque or catch and release, which would depend on the fish, as some may be endangered. But come on, you caught a fish! You can check out www.palmhaven.com, alibaba-tours.com, and frankietours.com for more info.
5. Island tour
What is more exciting than taking a road trip and site seeing? And Tobago is just the place to do it, as there are many beautiful and historical places to visit. Some of these include:
Richmond Great Estate: A sugar cane plantation which dates back to 1766, the Richmond Great House, as it’s now called, is used as a place of accommodation for visitors who wish to stay at the residence, and it’s fully equipped with all necessary amenities.
Little Tobago: An island off Speyside is another great place to check out, especially if you’re into bird watching (an activity not mentioned here, but equally exciting). The surrounding landscape here abounds with breathtaking sights.
Mystery Tombstone. Found in Plymouth, it belongs to a woman by the name of Betty Stivens. What makes this particular tomb a mystery is the inscription on the tomb, as it reads much like a riddle. While you’re there, you can also visit Fort James, as it’s close by.
Botanical Gardens: Yes, there is a botanical garden in Tobago, Scarborough to be exact. You can take a lovely stroll, preferably with ice cream (rubs belly), and check out some lovely, tropical flora.
While this list is by no means exhaustive, as there are many activities to take in while you’re chilling in Tobago, these are just some ideas to help you along. On your next visit to Tobago, you can check http://whatsonintobago.com to keep abreast of events taking place. So, go out, explore, and take lots of pictures in really cool and amazing places. I bet there isn’t a single picture you’re gonna hate, and, more importantly, the experience and lime with yuh crew, family or beau will ultimately be ‘bess’.
Image credit: arnosvaleapartments.com
Jolisa Brewster
Jolisa Brewster is a south girl, who is still adapting to her adopted town life. She loves to talk as much as much as she loves to write, and is currently pursuing a degree in media and communications. She also happens to be an avid foodie. When she isn't talking her family to death, you can find her eating her way around Trinidad and writing about it. She is learning to not take life too seriously and plan so much. God does laugh! Especially at her.
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Nicky Givethanks B
Posted at 15:14h, 10 MayLike Outlish reading my mind. I was just thinking this AA.