22 Nov Men: God’s Gift to Women Unappreciated?
Women are a bitter bunch of people. That’s the thought that pops into my mind every now and then. Why would I say something like that?
Well… last Friday was International Men’s Day. Yeah, some of you may be only now hearing of it (and to think it was inaugurated right here in Trinidad and Tobago in 1999). Most people thought it was just another Friday, and because irony has a sense of humour, it also happened to be World Toilet Day. This, of course opens the way for men equal crap jokes, which would serve to aid the argument that men aren’t a gift from heaven (which I don’t believe they are), but let’s not get into that.
I’ll admit that I’ve called men dogs every now and then. Who hasn’t? However, the idea of acting as if they’re ‘nobodies’ and don’t deserve ‘a day’ is new to me.
Women and men have a love-hate relationship. Real Tobago love. Doh mind that the same people who you hear saying, “All man bad” or “Woman again” are the ones you’ll see posting seven-minute videos on Facebook, professing their undying love for their significant other, two years down the road. As much as we ‘dog’ men, we can’t do without them. I’m not talking about them as lovers or mates now. I’m talking about men in general. Can you do without your father, brother, cousin, uncle, or friend? Can you do without your husband, who may irritate you five times a week, but is really a loving and harmless thorn in your side? Most likely, your answer is no. You like having them around. At least the harmless ones.
As another friend wrote, she’s “thankful on Men’s Day for all the men in her life: the flaky ones, the walking steups ones, the amazing, but f*cking useless ones, the irresistibly lovely ones, the ones she can take home to her mother, the bffs, the ones that make her ovaries do a hopeful dance, the ones that only good for a jouvay wine, the ones who put up with her moodiness, the ones to love forever, the ones to live for”.
Meanwhile, some of the men just shrug their shoulders at the negative comments sent their way, and keep it moving. As one man said, “It’s funny how some people’s idea of equality is to be superior to the person or group that thought them inferior”. Maybe the only validation men seek is in their personal lives, and so they can’t be bothered that their day went by unnoticed. As someone put it, women devote time to prepare for International Women’s Day celebrations. Maybe because men can’t be bothered, no one bothered to make a big brouhaha about their day.
Let’s go back to the ‘what’s the big deal’ mindset about men.
Just because women may have had some things harder, doesn’t mean men haven’t had their own difficulties. Men go through their own trials and tribulations, just as women do. Heterosexual men, gay men, men who have no say in if their baby is aborted, men who are sexually abused, men who are prisoners of war, men who get emotionally ‘beat down’ every day by women who say they love them. Maybe men don’t openly b&tch and moan about their troubles like women, but they do have their own hurts. So to say that men have it easy, and why do we need to give them a bligh for one day, is an inaccurate assessment an response.
I really don’t see what all the ‘fight down’ is about. Yes women have had it tough over the years. However, to women reading this, have you had it tough? Have men oppressed you, so you had no access to education, voting or the job of your dreams? I haven’t, so I don’t need to take up this burden (because other women… and men before me fought for the freedoms and privileges I enjoy), so I have no problem giving men a bligh for one day. I’m not trying to downplay women’s struggles over the years, but why is it so hard to just show a little appreciation?
It’s not like men go around begging us to remember them. They’re too busy going about their business than to care about these things. Patriarchal systems aside to help them, maybe this is why they advance further, while women sit complaining about ‘the system’.
It’s not about who’s better, or who has done more. If we can celebrate girlfriends, mothers, sisters, aunties, business women, and the list goes on, for Women’s Day, we can celebrate men, and stop superimposing isms and schisms on Johnny the Janitor, who does nothing worse than piss off his girlfriend now and then, or Peter the Policeman who is actually a ‘good cop’. If my experience with men hasn’t been so negative, I’m not going to be soooooo negative about them. Of course, if I see a man disadvantaging a woman or child, I’ll have something to say or do about it. However, I’m not going to put the sins of the fathers on the sons.
Women think men are in a war with them. I think men don’t have time to be in a war with us. That’s why they’re busy, covering magazines and ‘ruling the world’. Women may have had to fight harder for rights, but so have men in oppressed nations. Really, the tit-for-tat comparisons are growing old.
Why fight down the call to appreciate men? Why ‘dig a horrors’? That energy can be used to show mutual respect. If we can celebrate women, we can celebrate men too. So to all the men out there, Happy (belated) Men’s Day.
Image courtesy iStockphoto.com; junial
Check out the rest of this week’s issue (Issue 33: 22/11/10):
- Gary Acosta: Uncut and Unplugged
- From Vinyl to MP3s: Does Music Have Value Anymore?
- Superstitions on the Wall: Do they ever die?
- Fat People Need Love Too
- 8 Ways to Spot a Trini from a Mile Away
Karel Mc Intosh
Karel Mc Intosh is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Outlish Magazine. She's also the Lead Communications Trainer at Livewired Group, where she conducts workshops in business writing, social media, and other communications areas. A real online junkie, when she isn't surfing the Internet, she's thinking about surfing the Internet. Find out more about her here or tweet her @outlishmagazine.
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Lisa Allen-Agostini
Posted at 17:41h, 19 November“only good for a jouvay wine”… LOL.
Joel Henry
Posted at 19:03h, 19 NovemberLike a boss, Karel.
Runako Ozzie Osborne
Posted at 19:13h, 19 NovemberI like the article the author raised some real issues there. The truest part is where the author said men seem to have it easy because we do not b#tch and moan about our problems which is true. I believe that is linked to how we are raised for example as children if a girl is hurt everyone rushes to her aid and she can cry as long and as hard as she wants, but the boy must be ‘manly’ he could be bleeding but he can’t cry or even show emotion in fear of being ridiculed men and laughed at by boys his age, and if the mother rushes to his aid you will hear comment like she “babying him” or “he will grow up to be a panty-man.” So yea men won’t seem bothered by many things because of how we are groomed coming up.
Lisa Allen-Agostini
Posted at 20:07h, 19 Novemberoperative word is “seem”…
OUTLISH Magazine
Posted at 20:23h, 19 NovemberLisa Allen-Agostini that was Tillah status that day. lol
Posted at 13:29h, 19 NovemberBig ommission was the raw deal men generally get with regards to child custody in the courts and well in general the lack of concern for male casualties with regards to war and workplace incidents and domestic incidents. Everyday men die on the streets and its being casually glossed over as gang violence.
Its so sad historically how much little value the life of a man is in comparison to the life of a woman or child. Very good article Karel. In general though the entire wanting recognition thing…. that’s generally a feminine characteristic.
Posted at 20:32h, 19 JulyIt is really Most of the women today that really think their God’s gift to men, but their Not.