03 Jan Violence in Relationships: Facing the Reality
As much as we may love to deny it, violence in relationships is real, and it’s deadly. It happens a lot more than people think. And even though it’s an uncomfortable topic, in order to end the violence in our relationships, or to assist friends, family or acquaintances, we need to talk about it.
Domestic violence isn’t just a “married people” problem. Once you’re in a relationship, and abuse is present, it’s domestic violence. If it affects your children, and they are abused as well, they are also victims. It’s also important to remember abuse is not only physical; it can be psychological, sexual, verbal or even economic.
The easiest thing to do is to ignore these situations, because we all think to ourselves, “I can’t handle the drama of getting involved in married people business, because they’re going to get back together anyway”. You’re probably right, most of the times. Still, there’s the other side of, what if someone dies, as a result of violence you’ve been aware of or have witnessed? How will that affect your conscience? If you chat with any of the people who watched as 31-year-old Sabrina Lalla-Mitchell was stabbed to death at her workplace, Bavarian Motors on Todd Street, San Fernando, in front of her sons, in October of this year, I’m sure that it troubles them to this day.
In Trinidad and Tobago, deaths due to domestic violence, quadrupled over 2004 to 2008, with 36 deaths in 2008, while the number of reports made to the police regarding cases of domestic violence increased by 60 percent.
Violence in relationships affects one in four women and one in fifteen men. Women tend to experience physical and sexual violence more often than anything else. For men, it leans toward stalking and harassment. Domestic violence is the primary cause of injury for women between 15 to 44, so it’s safe to say you know someone who’s either a victim or has survived violence.
You may be wondering which one of your friends or acquaintances may be or may have been a victim? If your answer is, “I don’t know anyone”, think again. Remember people don’t always share their experiences, especially when it involves domestic violence, and they’re doing their utmost to hide it. Sometimes the signs are very clear. Other times we don’t even realise when domestic violence is a few doors away from us because of long-held beliefs. So, let’s get to some myth busting, shall we?
Domestic violence only occurs in poor communities.
Truth of the matter is that research has shown that domestic violence is an indiscriminate predator. And although the poor often have a harder time accessing resources, it affects persons of all walks of life equally – case in point, Chris Brown and Rihanna, or even Charlie Sheen and his wife Brooke Meuller. Even the rich and famous are prone to it.
Relationship violence is caused by alcoholism and substance abuse.
While substances can definitely amplify the violence, they do not cause the violence. The cause is the abuser’s desire to exert power and control over their victim. And alcoholism and drug abuse are issues that must be treated separately. Rehab does not end the violence. Then there are some other things to consider – what if the abuser was a victim of abuse, and has psychological issues, as a result? This doesn’t necessarily excuse their actions. However, it does affect what triggers them, how they ‘act out’, and, therefore, how one can approach them.
If a survivor goes back to his/her abuser, then they must want the abuse.
This is the biggest and most detrimental myth of all that shifts the blame to the victim. In reality we see so many reasons why survivors have to return to their abusers – no resources to escape, death or suicide threats, or, most prolific in out society, the disapproval of religion and culture.
Additionally, research has repeatedly shown us that the most dangerous point for the survivor is after they leave the relationship, and this is when the most homicides happen. On average the survivor will leave the relationship seven times before they have the resources to get out and stay out.
When entering a relationship, the biggest warning sign of violence is when you feel scared or threatened. The most important thing to remember is to trust your instincts. If you feel like something bad is going to happen, get out before it happens.
If you want to get out, most survivors advise you choose the path best suited to your situation; no two safety plans will be alike. Most times survivors call upon their parents, siblings, friends, and if they don’t have anybody to turn to, they’ll call local services, such as the National Domestic Violence Unit. Most of all, don’t be scared and do it when you’re ready.
If you know suspect that someone you know is in an abusive relationship, or someone confides in you that they’re in a violent relationship, the most important thing to remember is that this person has been robbed of their power. And as a supporter, your job is to put them back in power. Here are some general dos and don’ts that can help you to achieve this:
- Be careful to avoid blaming the survivor. Unless it was in reasonable self-defence there’s absolutely no excuse for the violence they’re experiencing.
- Try your best not to tell the survivor what they should do. This is somebody who’s lost his or her autonomy. Instead, ask them questions that will help them figure out what they need to do to regain power in their lives.
- At all costs do not judge, even when you don’t agree with what the survivor’s doing. Often when one’s in crisis they’re in survival mode; they’ll know a lot more about their situation and where they’re at than you do.
- Do make your support very clear.
- Do find and offer them resources.
- Do listen way more than you talk.
- And no matter who you are, you can always help by spreading awareness about this huge issue.
I’ll say it again. There are no reasonable grounds for ‘beating down’ on someone you claim to love, and no one deserves to have to go though anything related to such. So the next time you encounter someone who has survived or is a victim of violence, don’t brush it off, with the “husband and wife business” cop-out. Put yourself in their shoes, consider how you’d feel if a loved one were going through the same thing, and do something. Who knows? Maybe you could save a life.
Joshua Ramirez Wharwood
Joshua Ramirez Wharwood is a Communications major at the University of the West Indies. Whenever he's not feeding his addiction to Skittles and Coca Cola, he immerses himself in all things digital. Follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/joachim365.
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Christine N
Posted at 06:41h, 03 JanuaryVery informative article indeed…
I’m glad to see as well that the number of REPORTED cases have increased, although that may not have much bearing on the response and outcome, at least victims are taking a greater responsibility for their own safety.
While I consider myself REAL lucky to never have been a victim of domestic abuse, that doesn’t mean that it will never happen to me. And that’s one thing I’ve learned: A lot of the victims of abuse that I know ALWAYS thought it would never happen to them. So while many of them saw the signs, they ignored it until something worse happened that forced them to come to terms with it. Don’t EVER EVER think that you won’t be a victim of abuse, educate yourself and look for the signs-trust me, u’ll be surprised that victims may be those you least expect.
Posted at 10:32h, 03 JanuaryThose myths are still believed to be the main causes by most people. And those who are being abused stay because they keep thinking that the abuser will change.
Rashidah Vitalis
Posted at 05:37h, 05 JanuaryIts truly sad to see the increasing number of cases of domestic violence in this country. I remember when I was still at Secondary School, our Principal came to our form 6 Principal’s Meeting class and asked us if she was doing something wrong with respects to the training she was giving us, because she was receiving news about her girls is abusive relationships.
So even at the school level, it is a serious issue to be examined!
Posted at 03:22h, 06 JanuaryI think this article should be put in a forum where teenagers and younger people can see and read it. Teenagers these days are often in abusive relationships and think that it is alright or misunderstand the abuse for some kind of deep rooted feelings from the abuser. I think it is most definitely an issue that needs to be raised with them. ( i could go on for a while on this but I’ll stop here and keep it short) #PILAR
Haydn Dunn
Posted at 03:24h, 06 JanuaryThere are many reasons why men are becoming more possessive in today’s society and we all have our own theories. It is possible that with the rise of women in the workplace and in determining their own independence financially and socially, that men feel increasingly threatened.
Relationships are about sharing but also about retaining freedom of self expression and personal identity. Relationships are also about innate trust. So if anyone is in an abusive relationship I say “ride out” its not worth it…
Elizabeth Turner
Posted at 07:26h, 06 JanuaryEveryday you open the newspaper you can read some form of domestic violence story, what is this world coming to, where you cant be safe in what you view as a safe loving relationship and if you determine it’s not as safe as you would like it to be you are left praying that you make it out alive. I am so fed up of these violent acts, something drastic has to be done to curb this soon :'( #PILAR
Posted at 05:37h, 20 JanuaryI don’t usually read or comment on these articles but a friend sent this one to me because he knows my experiences with domestic violence. It’s hard leaving an abusive relationship when the abuse isnt on a regular basis..so your husband hit you once, twice, three times…is it regular yet? Didn’t get a black eye this time, just a slap, that’s not abuse right? No one will believe me, they’ll say it’s my fault. All excuses I’ve used myself.
Women in abusive relationships make all sorts of excuses for staying. It’s hard leaving an abusive relationship because the optimist always thinks things will get better. Stepping back from the situation and improving ones own life and mental health can eventually lead to the realisation that their relationship is an abusive one.I was lucky to get out,my cheating abusive husband made the decision to leave for me, some women were not so fortune.
To all the young women out there who have to deal with this problem there are many online forums and support networks to help deal with the problem, but the first step is accepting that your relationship is in fact an abusive one.